Constitution and By Laws




          We, the student of the Philippine Institute of Civil Engineers University of San Carlos Student Chapter (PICE- USC STUDENT CHAPTER), imploring the aid of Almighty God, in order to establish an organization that shall embody our principles and objectives, provide the future engineers and scientist of our country an opportunity of working together towards the development of science and technology, Unite the Civil Engineering Students, foster harmonious relations between student and educators, fill the educational, cultural, and spiritual needs of the individual towards the attainment of a better future, do hereby ordain promulgate this Constitutions and By-Laws.


  This organization shall be known as the Philippine Institute of Civil Engineers University of San Carlos Student Chapter, hereinafter referred to as the “PICE USC STUDENT CHAPTER”.


The JPICE- USC shall have the following objectives

a.     To cooperate and coordinate with the programs and activities of the PICE- USC
b.     To provide the future engineers and scientist of our country and opportunity of working together towards the development of Science and Technology
c.     To establish and promote the highest standard of training for its members for effective Leadership in the Civil Engineering profession and in the community
d.     To accumulate and disseminate information and ideas in Civil Engineering Field Design, structural aspect, latest developments and other related fields
e.     To unite, promote goodwill and understanding among Civil Engineering students of this Institution
f.        To broaden the civil, social, educational and spiritual consciousness of the members
g.     To participate, cooperate, and coordinate in activities for the attainment of aims and objectives of this Institution


Section 1: All deserving Civil Engineering Students of the University of San Carlos are eligible to become members of the PICE- USC STUDENT CHAPTER.

Section 2: Any alumnus of the said organization shall have privilege to       become honorary of the PICE-USC STUDENT CHAPTER.

Section 3: Membership may be lost in any of the following instances
a.        Any violation of USC policy
b.     Expulsion of the University
c.     Transfer to another Institution
d.     Shift to another Course
e.     Discontinue of Study
f.        Prolongation of Inactiveness on PICE activities
g.     Non- payment of fees and dues

Section 4: Any alumnus of the said organization shall be granted the privilege to become honorary members of the PICE-USC STUDENT CHAPTER by a unanimous vote of members of the Board of Directors present in a meeting convened for that purpose and upon acceptance by the honoree.

  Section 5: All members of this organization must be a legal Filipino    citizen.

Section 6: No members of this organization shall be involved in any other Civil Engineering    Extra-Curricular organizations.


Section 1: Every member has the right to vote and he voted upon      to office.

Section 2: Every member has the right to access to the official records of PICE USC STUDENT CHAPTER.

Section 3: Every member shall have the privileges to join any PICE USC STUDENT CHAPTER sponsored activities, provided he shall have compiled all the requirements of the said activities.

Section 4: Every member has the right to avail of the said services offered by the PICE STUDENT CHAPTER.


Section 1: Every member must pay the fees and dues required and as mandated by this constitution and by laws.

Section 2: Every member must actively participate and attend PICE USC STUDENT CHAPTER meeting.

Section 3: Every member must actively participate and attend PICE USC STUDENT CHAPTER activities and projects.

Section 4: Every member must elect good capable officers.


Section 1: An annual membership fee of Fifty Pesos (P50.00) of the PICE USC STUDENT CHAPTER shall be collected from each other.

Section 2: A regular member shall pay a monthly due of Ten Pesos (P10.00) which shall be deposited in the sinking fund.

Section 3: The funds of PICE USC STUDENT CHAPTER shall consist of all dues, fees, fines, and contributions, be received or collected under the provisions of the foregoing sections. The sinking fund shall be disbursed to meet the operating expenses of the organization.


The domain of the PICE USC STUDENT CHAPTER shall be in all years of enrolment of all students including the alumni of the Department of Civil Engineering of the University of San Carlos.


Section 1: The administrative body of the PICE USC STUDENT CHAPTER shall be the Board of Directors which shall be composed of four elected PICE STUDENTS CHAPTER past officers.

Section 2: The Board of Directors shall have the following defined powers

a.     To promulgate polices, rules and regulations in the accordance with this Constitution and By – Laws.
b.     To administer, control and direct the business social affairs, rights and power of the PICE USC STUDENT CHAPTER over its members and is the trustee and custodian of all properties and interests of PICE USC STUDENT CHAPTER.
c.     To make and change rules and regulations not consistent with the constitution of the PICE USC STUDENT CHAPTER.
d.     To coordinate and cooperate with all University of San Carlos affairs and with other organizations of the University.

Section 3: Members of the Board shall have hold office during one school year, and will end on the day of new directors have taken oaths, with no compensation.

Section 4: The Board of Directors shall be assisted in conducting the affairs of the PICE USC STUDENT CHAPTER by forming supporting committees.

Section 5: The following are the supporting committees of the PICE USC STUDENT CHAPTER.
a.     Committee on Way and Means
b.     Committee on Socio-Cultural & Religious Activities
c.     Committee on Education

Section 6: The Board of Directors shall hold a regular meeting once a month on such date, placed and time as they may determine

Section 7: The PICE USC STUDENT CHAPTER President may call special meetings which he deign wise necessary.

Section 8: One hundred-percent of the total number of the Board of Directors shall constitute for the transaction of business, and every decision of a majority of the quorum for the transaction of business, and every decision of a majority of the quorum duly assembled as Board shall be valid of this Society.


Section 1: The executive committee of the Board of Directors shall be the PICE USC STUDENT CHAPTER officers who shall be bona fide members of the PICE USC STUDENT CHAPTER.

Section 2: The executive committee shall be empowered to meet and decide on matters with utmost importance and urgency when the whole Board is not in a position to meet.
Section 3: the PICE USC STUDENT CHAPTER officers shall consist of the President, Vice-President (Internal Affairs and External Affairs), Secretary, and Treasurer which shall be elected by popular vote by the PICE USC STUDENT CHAPTER members.

Section 4: Any officer of the PICE USC STUDENT CHAPTER may resign at any time given he has a valid reason by the Board of Directors shall be given the task to elect the given up position.

Section 5: In permanent vacancy of any of the officer position, the next-in-rank is in task to take place otherwise the PICE USC STUDENT CHAPTER would vote the vacant spot as a quorum.

Section 6: Duties

a.     President
-       He shall be the chief executive officer of the PICE USC STUDENT CHAPTER and as such preside over all meetings of the Board of Directors and the general membership of the PICE USC STUDENT CHAPTER
-       He shall supervise all its business and social affairs.
-       He shall represent the PICE USC STUDENT CHAPTER in conferences and gatherings which the Board of Directors has to attend.
-       He shall sign all negotiable instruments, checks, notes, contracts, and other papers of PICE USC STUDENT CHAPTER.
-       He is empowered to appoint committees which he may find necessary for the PICE USC STUDENT CHAPTER.
b.     Vice-President for Internal Affairs
-       He shall be the around supervisor next to the President of the PICE USC STUDENT CHAPTER.
-       He shall preside over all the meeting in absence of the President.
-       He shall make opinion polls concerning PICE USC STUDENT CHAPTER performance.
-       He shall check all officers and Board of Directors regarding their duties and performance.
-       He shall perform the task establish by the President or by the Board of Directors.
c.     Vice-President for External Affairs
-       He shall study and devise system and methods of creating opportunities for students to participate and excel in contest and awards.
-       He shall establish liaison and closer ties with other organizations of University of San Carlos.
-       He shall secure necessary permits in connection with the organization’s project and related activities.
-       He shall check all officers and Board of Directors regarding their duties and performance.
d.     Secretary
-       He shall issue all notices, circulates call for, and records or supervise for the recording of all minutes of the meeting of the PICE USC STUDENT CHAPTER.
-       He is in charge of all the records and correspondence.
-       He shall follow-up the registration of all the members of the PICE USC STUDENT CHAPTER and maintains an up to date listing of members of the PICE USC STUDENT CHAPTER.
-       He shall check all officers and Board of Directors regarding their duties and performance.
e.        Assistant Secretary
-      He shall assist the secretary in the paper works.
-      He shall become the attendance officer who checks attendance of the    members and officers in every general meetings and organizational events.
f.        Treasurer
-       He shall have the overall supervision of the financial affairs PICE USC STUDENT CHAPTER
-       He shall countersign all instruments of the PICE USC STUDENT CHAPTER
-       He shall make financial reports every month to be submitted to the President and a copy of which shall be read at a regular meeting of the Board of Directors.
-       He shall check all officers and Board of Directors regarding their duties and performance.
g.     Auditor
-       He shall keep track and audit the financial affairs of the PICE USC STUDENT CHAPTER.
-       He shall assist the treasurer in making the financial reports every month.
-       He shall check all officers and Board of Directors regarding their duties and performance.
h.     PRO
-       He shall serve as the liaison officer of the PICE USC STUDENT CHAPTER
-       He shall be responsible in posting and distributing of any information for the benefit of the PICE USC STUDENT CHAPTER.
-       He shall check all officers and Board of Directors regarding their duties and performance.
i.            Committee Chairperson
-     He shall administer the particular committee in taking effect the duties and responsibilities of the members.
-     He shall make updates or reports of the committee’s actions as appointed by the President.


1.      There shall be Commission on Election composed of a chairman and five Commissioners who shall be bona fide members of the PICE USC STUDENT CHAPTER.
2.      The Commission shall have the following:
a.     Enforce and administer all laws and regulations to the conduct of an election, plebiscite or referendum.
b.     To decide election content whose corresponding ruling of the Commission shall be final, executor and not appealable.
c.     Register political parties or coalitions.
d.     Submit to the Chairman of the PICE USC STUDENT CHAPTER and the Board of Directors a comprehensive report on the conduct and outcome of each election.
3.      The Chairman of the Commission shall be appointed by the PICE USC STUDENT CHAPTER.
4.      The Commission shall be appointed by the Chairman of the Commission.
5.      The Commissions shall hold office for one school year end the day the new Commissioners shall have taken their oaths.


Section 1: The official office of the PICE USC STUDENT CHAPTER shall be located in the premise of the University of San Carlos – Technological Center, Talamban, and Cebu City.

Section 2: The official seal of the PICE USC STUDENT CHAPTER shall include the official seal of PICE, the name “PICE USC STUDENT CHAPTER”, and the date of its foundation and charter no. issued by PICE Inc.

Section 3: The PICE USC STUDENT CHAPTER shall hold a general membership meeting every first Saturday of the Month, the time, place and date shall be determined by the Board of Directors.

Section 4: No character of the Civil Engineering Department shall contravene this Constitution and

Section 5: In general membership of the PICE USC STUDENT CHAPTER, one-half of the total number of members shall constitute a quorum.

Section 6; Special Meetings of the PICE USC STUDENT CHAPTER shall be held from time to time upon the call of the President.

Section 7: In any meeting, notice shall be communicated to the members of the secretary at least 3 days before the date of such meeting.


Section 1: This Constitution and By-Laws be amended upon and approved by the majority of the votes cast on a plebiscite called for the purpose.

Section 2: Any amendments to these Constitution and By-Laws shall become effective upon approval.

Section 3: No amendments to this Constitution and By-Laws shall be authorized within two years following its ratification or oftener then two years thereafter.


Present Officers of the PICE USC STUDENT CHAPTER shall continue to holds office until their term expires.